Being Salt and Light

Apr 23, 2023 | Devotional Meditations, Pastor's Blog

Matthew 5:13-16
Suggested further reading: Titus 2:11-3:8

Our Lord reveals the character that Christians are to have as they live in this world. As always with the words of our Lord, it is very important that we clearly understand what it is that He is saying to us about us in these two metaphors!

First, He directly compares Christians to salt. The comparison is instructive. As salt has its own unique taste, so we, by our character and conduct, should be unique (not odd or cranky) in the world. As salt preserves food from corruption, we are to keep the world from becoming totally corrupt. As salt makes people thirsty, so we, by our lives, should make others desire Christ. As salt, when it becomes tasteless is useless, so do we when we become like the world. Here is sober instruction and warning.

Then He directly compares Christians to light. As light is distinct from darkness, we are to have a distinct lifestyle from the world with different values, goals, and motivations. As light reveals objects as they are, so we are to reveal the true value of the meaning of the things of this world. As sunlight brings joy to the heart (who loves a cloudy day?), so we should bring true cheer to the world. Here again is sober instruction.

Christ has called us to serve a crucial function in life. We are to be thoughtful about the meaning, the purpose, and the practice of life, not, as many do, mindlessly walking through it. We have been called by Christ to a greatness in everyday living that naturally reveals itself to others for their blessing and for the glory of God. These are lost when we fail to be salt and light. If we believe in Him, let us obey Him for He has made us the salt and light of the world.

The Bible Church of the Lakes