Our Great Physician

Feb 19, 2023 | Devotional Meditations, Pastor's Blog

Mark 2:1-12
Suggested further reading: Psalm 139:1-6

When we take our afflictions to Jesus, He alone can turn them into blessings. This man, who was carried to Jesus, was weak and dependent. But, by the end of that day, he was rejoicing, because Jesus, the Great Physician, had turned his affliction into a physical and spiritual blessing.

For this reason, we need to beware of complaining of our afflictions. They are designed to bring us to Jesus, to read our Bibles, to wean us from the world, and to teach us to pray, so that, from Him, we may receive a blessing.

Note in today’s reading that Jesus reads our secret thoughts perfectly. We may keep secrets from others, but not from Him! (Psalm 139) This truth should do to us two things. First, it should awaken our conscience, revealing to us our need for forgiveness. Secondly, it should comfort our hearts, knowing that Jesus fully understands our problems, and with His compassion, will help us in times of trial.

The friends of this man may have been disappointed when, instead of healing the man immediately, Jesus said “Your sins are forgiven.” Remember, Jesus never wastes words! They wanted a physical healing, but Jesus saw the need for forgiveness as greater.

Our Lord has the power to forgive sins since He is our High Priest. No person can forgive himself of sin. But Jesus can and will when we come to Him in humble repentance and confession. And let us never forget that forgiveness is our greatest need—even more that physical healing. God needed only to speak the word and creation came into being. But to forgive sins, Jesus must die. Let us cherish and never cheapen His forgiveness of our sins.

The Bible Church of the Lakes