Psalm Three

Jan 19, 2025 | Pastor's Blog, Psalms

Timeless Biblical Truth

The faithful will face many adversaries, but they may pray confidently for deliverance because YHWH’S plan cannot be hindered.

  1. Hostility: When the faithful face increasing hostility, they may be confident that YHWH’S plan for them will be done (1-3).
    1. Enemies of the faithful may continue to increase (1-2).
    2. Believers become strong by thinking of YHWH’S plan for their lives (3).
  2. Confidence: When in difficult times, YHWH’S children may become confident when they experience His protection in answer to their prayers (4-6).
    1. YHWH answers the prayers of His people and sustains them in times of trouble (4-5).
    2. YHWH’S protective care inspires confidence to face the increasing hostility (6).
  3. Petition: YHWH’S children may anticipate a complete deliverance when they pray to Him (7).
  4. Praise: YHWH’S children should confess that their deliverance comes from YHWH alone (8).
The Bible Church of the Lakes