Timeless Biblical Truth.
It is wise to submit to the authority of the Messiah, because YHWH has decreed that His king will put down all rebellion and rule the world.
- Foolishness: It is useless for people to reject God’s authority (1-3).
- Rebellion against God is useless (1).
- Despite its inevitable failure, people boastfully attempt to rebel against YHWH (2-3).
- Divine Decree: God in His sovereignty, establishes His king’s rule (4-6).
- YHWH regards such rebellion as laughable (4).
- Despite their foolish rebellion, YHWH installs His king over all (5-6).
- The King’s Claims: As YHWH’S chosen king will rule the world with absolute authority (7-8).
- Act: The king is coronated by YHWH’S decree (7).
- Result: The king powerfully establishes His rule over the entire world (8-9).
- Wise action: It is wise for people to take refuge from YHWH’S wrath by submitting to His king (10-12).
- People should respond wisely (10).
- It is wise to worship YHWH (11).
- It is urgent that the wise submit to the king (12).

Lanny Tanton is the Pastor at The Bible Church of the Lakes in Horseshoe Bay, Texas – just outside of Marble Falls. Pastor Tanton welcomes you to our website and hopes that you’ll enjoy reading these insightful blog posts. Please contact us if you have further questions!!