Join us for our special Easter worship service - Sunday, April 20th at 10:00 am. Click for more details.
Helping People to Think & Live Biblically
Helping People to Think & Live Biblically

The Bible Church of the Lakes
is a church that believes in Jesus

In a world that is increasingly hostile toward absolutes, where does one turn to find truth? Is there a purpose to life? How can one know the way?

There is but one answer to these questions.

“I am the way, the truth and the life…

This statement by the Lord Jesus Christ is as relevant and true today as it was when he spoke these words 2,000 years ago.

Learn of God’s plan and purpose for the ages. Find out what it means to be a Christian and get the tools needed to live as one.

Come visit us at The Bible Church of the Lakes.

A Family of Faith
If you are looking for solid Bible teaching that enlightens the mind while touching the heart, you have found the place!

We invite you to come and join us in worshipping our Savior & Lord Christ Jesus this Sunday!

Our Motto:
Helping people to think and live Biblically.
Our Mission:
We seek to be faithful to the Lord in using the exciting and eternally significant opportunity He has given to us to help the people of Horseshoe Bay and surrounding communities to hear the Gospel, believe in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to develop and enjoy a Biblical lifestyle that pleases God, honors Jesus Christ and blesses others.
About Us
About Us
Our Motto:
Helping people to think and live Biblically.
Our Mission:
We seek to be faithful to the Lord in using the exciting and eternally significant opportunity He has given to us to help the people of Horseshoe Bay and surrounding communities to hear the Gospel, believe in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to develop and enjoy a Biblical lifestyle that pleases God, honors Jesus Christ and blesses others.

We welcome visitors and would love to have you join us in one of our worship services.


9:30 AM Sunday Worship Service

11:00 AM Pastor’s Bible Class


6:30 PM Prayer & Bible Study

The Bible Church of the Lakes