Angels Appear and We Tremble

Jan 16, 2022 | Devotional Meditations, Pastor's Blog

Read Luke 1:8-12
Suggested Further Reading: Psalm 111

God announces the coming birth of John the Baptist by an angel (Luke 1: 11). While the ministry of angels is vast topic and worthy of serious study, we should note that the appearances of this many angels at our Lord’s birth is unique and may indicate the angels’ joy over God’s grace to a sinful humanity.

Angels take a deep interest in the work of Christ and the salvation that He has provided. They sing high praises when the Son of God comes down to make peace between God and man. They rejoice when sinners repent. They delight to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. We should share in their interest and their joy of it.

The appearance of an angel produces a marked effect on the mind of Zechariah (Luke 1:12). His response is exactly that of other saints who saw visions of things belonging to another world (Ex 3:6; Dan 10:7-9; Mt 28:8; Rev 1:17). He and they both trembled and were afraid.

How do we explain this fear? Adam and Eve knew it comes from a knowledge of who God is: His holiness and power, and an awareness of who we are: guilty and corrupt sinners. We are unfit for His presence. If angels are so great and terrible that we fear them, what must be our response to the Lord of angels?

Praise God for our Mediator between God and us, the man Christ Jesus. Believing on Jesus, we let us draw near to God with boldness and look forward to standing before Him with reverential fear but not in terror. But let us tremble when we think of the horrific terror of the wicked will experience at the Day of Judgment when they stand before Him who is greater than all the angels.

The Bible Church of the Lakes