Yes, Lord
Luke 1:34-38 Suggested further reading: Matthew 26:36-42 The angel speaks of the mystery of Christ’s Incarnation in a reverent and discreet manner. We will do well to imitate it. As modesty marks the Scriptural account, so may it mark our meditations about the manner...
A Remarkable Woman, a More Remarkable Son
Luke 1:26-33 Suggested further reading: Matthew 12:46-50 We have here the good news of the most marvelous event that ever happened: the incarnation and birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. His First Advent was one of humiliation that began at His conception and birth. We...
Unbelief Will Make Us Mute
Read Luke 1:18-25 Further Reading: Hebrews 3:7-13 It is always sad to see the effect of unbelief, especially in a good man like Zechariah! But as righteous and holy as he was, the words of the angel appears to him incredible (Luke 1:18). Such ought not to be. He knew...
Praying for our Children
Read Luke 1:13-17 Suggested Further Reading: Psalm 40:1-10 Regarding answers to prayer, delay is not denial. Zechariah, no doubt, had often prayed for the blessing of children. His repeated re-quest appears to have been denied. At his advanced age he had probably quit...