Jesus Heals Completely!
Mark 1:27-34 Suggested further reading: Hebrews 10:11-14 In times of trouble, our first response should naturally be to turn to Jesus for help. We know, as did those in our reading for today, that there is no remedy like Him. Naturally, we should use any appropriate...
The Demons Believe. Do You?
Mark 1:21-28 Suggested further reading: Matthew 19:16-22 Ironically, here we read that the demons say that they know who our Lord is, even while the religious scribes and Pharisees do not. But their knowledge did not save them. Why? Because they had merely an...
A Christ for People of All Kinds
Matthew 4:18-25 Suggested further reading: Matthew 9:10-13 Those whom Jesus chose to be His disciples were mostly life’s poorest and humblest. Christ is not just for the rich and learned, but for all kinds of people. There are no worldly attainments that commend one...
A Call to Fish
Luke 5:1-11 Suggested further reading: Isaiah 6:1-8 Being in God’s presence humbles us by making us painfully aware of our sinfulness—so Peter learns here when the miraculous catch of fish reveals to him God’s presence in their boat in the person of Jesus. At the time...