Our Lord Was Baptized!
Matthew 3:13-17 Suggested further reading: Acts 6:30-34 Our Lord highly esteemed water baptism! When a Jewish priest began his office at the age of thirty, he was washed with water. When our great High Priest began His greater work, He was publicly baptized. Jesus...
Judgment Day: Rewards and Retribution
Luke 3:15-20 Suggested further reading: 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 There will be a solemn separation on Judgment Day. The unerring justice of the King of kings will divide the wheat from the chaff – an eternal separation. This is no trivial doctrine! It makes our...
A Faithful Minister but an Effective Savior
Luke 3:15-18 Suggested further reading: Acts 10:44-48; 15:7-11. One of many goals of a Biblical ministry is to cause people to think. A great step towards conversion is taken when people begin to think deeply and seriously. A casual thoughtlessness about God is one of...
Repents Means Change of Behavior
Luke 3:8-14 Suggested further reading: James 2:14-26 John uses some strong words to correct the common assumption that having a relationship with godly people can save us. This strongly held assumption grows easily in the fertile ground of the fallen and sinful nature...