The Peril of Familiarity
Luke 4:22-30 Suggested further reading: Isaiah 46:8-13 “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Those who heard our Lord’s self-revelation in Nazareth rejected Him because they were familiar with the little boy who had grown to manhood in the thirty years He had lived among...
Jesus Is Dismissed in His Hometown
Luke 4:14-22 Suggested further reading: Isaiah 61:1-7. Our Lord’s first sermon, preached in His hometown, should have stunned the congregation when He revealed to them who He really was! He read aloud a prophecy from Isaiah and told them that He fulfilled that same...
Satan Is Subtle
Matthew 4:1-11 Suggested further reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Satan is subtle, a master in the “art” of temptation, having a higher intelligence than us and thousands of years of successful experience. First, he tempts our Lord to distrust His Father’s providential...
Don’t Be Surprised
Matthew 4:1-11 Suggested further reading: Genesis 3:1-6 Since Satan successfully tempted Adam to sin, he was not timid to assault the second Adam, our Lord Jesus. He knew who Jesus was. He had, no doubt, witnessed Jesus’ baptism and saw the dove descending, and heard...